Aliens vs. Predator

Weyland-Yutani Using Mind-Controlled Xenomorphs in Alien 5?
Scified2015-03-21 16:15:45
Written by Chris7,572 Reads0 Comments2015-03-21 16:15:45

The Weyland-Yutani Corporation always sought to better understand and control the mysterious Xenomorph species and utilize their unique abilities for their special weapons division. Even with every attempt to control and study the Xenomorph having failed (epically), it's unlikely the company will stop pursuing this cause in Neill Blomkamp's Alien 5. Interestingly enough, one artist by the name of Marek Okon has gone ahead and created some truly remarkable concept pieces, showing off a hypothetical training session in which Weyland-Yutani's weaponds division puts a couple captive Xenomorphs through what looks to be a human-operated, surrogates-style controlling mechanism mounted on both the controller's and the Xenomorph's heads.

What I personally like about these designs are that they emanate the "futuristic technology" of the time when Alien and Aliens were released. Bulky, non-stream-like hardware that makes it look like these were actual concept designs for Alien 3 - which as of now - will end up being Alien 5. Be sure to check out these pieces below and let us know what you thin in the comments section!

A quote from the artist: 

"Don't worry Ma'?am, we have them under control"

Ever since I heard Neill Blomkamp is gonna make new Alien movie I felt all the juices flowing ;] I had this idea rattling in my head that I just had to draw - what if military actually succeed in controlling Aliens... or so they thought. 
"Aliens" is one of the best movie ever in my book and I would totally love to work on new one so if you have direct contact with Neill please let him know about me ;]

On technical side I mostly used workflow from my "Illustration Unchained" series, plus some new experimental stuff that probably will end up in "UI:2". Rough 3d base model was made for APC, characters posed in DAZ, aliens are based on photoshoot I did to my lovely alien figure.

Here's a look at the starting renders of the artwork above:

Be sure to visit Marek's website here!

What do you think of this "mind-controlled" Xenomorph concept? Is this something you would like to see in Neill Blomkamp's Alien 5? Let us know below!

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