Aliens vs. Predator

Rebellion expresses interest in making a new AvP game!
Scified2014-07-21 21:55:09
Written by Chris21,546 Reads10 Comments2014-07-21 21:55:09

During an interview with Dark Side of Gaming, the game developer behind 2010's Aliens vs. Predator, Rebellion expressed interest in making another AvP game. Though no AvP game has been announced, it is reassuring to know that Rebellion is still interested in returning to the franchise if they're ever given the opportunity. Here's the excerpt from the interview:

DSOG: One of your most successful games was Aliens vs Predator. Both the Jaguar and PC versions of it were stunning. Would you ever return to that franchise?

Kevin Floyer-Lea: Here at Rebellion we’ve got a particularly strong attachment to the AvP universe, so it could happen. We had a lot of fun playing with people’s minds on the original game by randomising spawn positions so what was a health pack turned out to be an Alien on your next play through. So personally I’d love to see an AvP game with fully procedurally generated levels, where you literally never know what’s around the next corner.

Be sure to let us know what you think of a potential new AvP game by Rebellion in the comments section!

Thanks to AvPGalaxy for the news!

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MemberAlien EggJul-22-2014 3:09 AMOh. Yes Please!!

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAlien DroneJul-22-2014 12:08 PM

This would be AMAZING!


MemberAlien EggJul-23-2014 7:36 PMCan they put in at least some Prometheus stuff like the Engineers even if its for a few levels? I cant wait until they make it.


MemberYoung BloodJul-26-2014 10:55 AM

What I would like to see is some Queen gameplay, Predalien gameplay and the inclusion of the Razor Whip and the Predator Hound to the Predator's arsenal.


MemberAlien EggAug-27-2014 8:26 PMgreat idea I would recommend for alien campaign play as a facehugger at first and so forth.


MemberAlien EggSep-03-2014 10:46 PM

another thing I would love to have it be like take ovet the world with the aliens and the predators have to try to contain the xenomorphs and humans just defend themselves it would be so cool. thanks



MemberAlien DroneDec-12-2018 3:22 AM

Please no! AVP 2010 was a huge disappointment and besides it was more like AVP 2004 than a proper Alien or Predator movie. Please let someone who would do this game series justice make the next game, Monolith perhaps?


MemberAlien DroneDec-12-2018 3:22 AM

Please no! AVP 2010 was a huge disappointment and besides it was more like AVP 2004 than a proper Alien or Predator movie. Please let someone who would do this game series justice make the next game, Monolith perhaps?


MemberAlien EggAug-06-2020 11:22 AM

I would really like to see still a avp game and i hope they are still thinking about making 1 avp 2010 is now a decade old and still being played so you can see people are not giving up about this idea.


MemberAlien DroneAug-06-2020 9:47 PM

well I am not completely against the idea of another AVP game, I just don't want rebellion to be at the helm because both AVP 1999 and AVP 2010 by Rebellion! in my opinion weren't as good as Aliens versus Predator 2 and Primal Hunt by Monolith. I even made a comparison of AVP 2 and AVP 2010 on google docs

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