Aliens vs. Predator

Prime 1 Studio debut $2999 Celtic Predator (Alien vs. Predator) collectible figure!
Scified2024-02-07 12:28:23
Written by Chris4,657 Reads0 Comments2024-02-07 12:28:23

Nearly 20 years after its release, Prime 1 Studio have debuted their upcoming Celtic Predator collectible figure inspired by Paul Anderson's Alien vs. Predator! Read on for product images and snippets from the official press release! The collectible will retail for $2999 US and comes with a bonus version as well! Supply is limited to 150 units.

In this incredible crossover blockbuster, Celtic, along with his brothers Scar and Chopper, were all sent to Earth to undertake an initiation Hunt in an ancient pyramid buried beneath Antarctica. The pyramid served as a hunting ground, where Predators used Aliens as prey in order to graduate from Young Blood Yautjas to a Blooded Yautja, thus being considered an adult and a full member of its Clan. Let us take a closer look at Celtic, the eldest of the three brothers.

As you have seen with the announcement of the first brother of the trio, we continue to strive for excellence at Prime 1 Studio. For the second brother, the incredible artists have no reason to hold back and have once again left no stone unturned in bringing the ruthless Celtic – the oldest and biggest of the three. At over 37 inches tall, Celtic is distinguishable by his nightmarish Bio-Mask, which was molded around his mandibles. Like the rest of the hunting party, he, too, is fully geared from head to toe, equipped with an arsenal of advanced technology and deadly weaponry. Both fists can be clenched or open, additionally the right hand can be displayed holding the Combistick, a spear-like weapon that serves to impale its victims from a distance whereas the gauntlet-integrated Wristblade, in its retracted state is designed for close-quarter combat, allowing him to slice through flesh and bone with brutal efficiency. Swappable parts allow the Wristblades and the Combistick allow you to display the blades at different lengths of extension and states. The base features corpses and bones of fallen enemies accompanied by two, silver and black “AVP” logo plates to display at the statue's base.

When you order the Bonus Version from our official store or any authorized distributor, limited only to 150pcs in the world, you will receive an additional undamaged Bio-Mask to expand your storytelling with this fearsome Yautja.

This imposing statue is the culmination of dedication from our artists and sculptors, and it is sure to make any Predator fans proud. Don’t miss out and pre-order the brutish MMPR-05S 1/3 Scale Celtic Predator Bonus Version now and expand your collection, while quantities last! This one naturally pairs well with his brother Scar, and of course, be on the lookout for the last brother, Chopper, in the near future!

Product Specifications:
ã»Statue Size approximately 37.4 inches tall [H:95cm W:73cm D:88cm]
ã»AVP themed-base
ã»Three (3) Swappable right-hand parts (Clenched fist, Combistick and open palm)
ã»Two (2) Swappable left-hand parts (Clenched fist and open palm)
ã»Four (4) Swappable Wristblades (Retracted, Partially extended, Fully Extended and Reverse)
ã»Two (2) Swappable Combistick (Retracted and Extended)
ã»Two (2) Title Plaque (Silver and Black)
ã»One (1) Swappable Undamaged Bio-Mask [BONUS PART]

ã»Prototype samples are shown
ã»Final Product details and colors could be subject to change without further notice.
ã»Please note that product specifications may differ because each product is handmade.
ã»Since the product is still in the development stage, the size (up to 10%) & weight (up to 10kg) may be changed during the production stage.

Visit the official website to pre-order yours today!

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