MemberAlien WarriorMay-19-2020 8:59 AMI think it would be Interesting to see what kind of Culture the Yautja have, i think maybe we cant ASSUME they would be similar to Humans
By that do they only see the Males as having the Right of Passage to HUNT? While the Females stay at home keeping the House in Order and Raising the Little Ones LOL, but i guess we could see a ROGUE Female go and ATTEMPT a Hunt to Prove that the Female of the Species are JUST as capable of Hunting etc...
Which could be Way to Introduce a Female to the Franchise.
But then Aesthetically what can we expect them to look like? Looking at the Concepts they seem to have that more Feminine Figure/Proportions and slightly more Feminine Bone Structure/Eyes they almost look like Barbie Doll Versions of our Ken Males.
Humans are Unique with our Diversity, if we look at most other Species on Earth then the Male/Females often look Extremely Similar apart from mainly Reproductive Organs etc. While some Species do have other Differences like a Lions Mane or a Orangutans Cheek Flanges.
So its a Question of what would make a Female Predator look different, maybe Physically as far as Size and Broadness of the Figure.
I have also said this before in regards to BREAST, we have seen some Fans do Female Yautja with Breasts, which would only make Sense if they Breast Feed their Young.
Are they Live Birthed or come from Eggs?
These are all interesting things that we DONT really know about this Species as we only see the Males who are the Hunt.
MemberAlien DroneMay-20-2020 6:57 PM@BigDave
Well from the Predator comics and Novels by Steve Perry:
Female Yaut'ja do have human-like breasts.
Female Yaut'ja are bigger and stronger than the males.
Females stay on clan worlds to govern the Yaut'ja worlds while the males go off to hunt for the most dangerous prey.