Aliens vs. Predator

Predator 5: New Predator Movie begins filming next month in Calgary! (Working title: SKULLS)
Scified2021-04-13 13:27:05
Written by Chris11,606 Reads2 Comments2021-04-13 13:27:05

Disney are wasting no time making use of their newly acquired 20th Century FOX (Now 20th Century Studios) properties and Predator is one of them! Following on from 2018's The Predator, Disney and 20th Century Studios is currently in the pre-production stages of a new Predator film and we've recently learned that this fifth Predator movie will begin filming in Calgary, Canada!

The news broke initially over on AvPGalaxy but since then new details have arrived detailing that the filming schedule is expected to begin May 31st, 2021 and will run until August 13th, 2021, according to the IATSE (International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees) which has the working title for Predator 5 (SKULLS) listed on their database. As we approach May 31st and throughout the next few months, we look forward to reporting on any behind-the-scenes action and hopefully new information regarding the cast and characters in this new Predator film!

Predator 5 / Skulls is being directed by Dan Trachtenberg. The current plot synopsis involves Kee, a Comanche woman who goes against gender norms and traditions to become a warrior. Many years ago – in a time before any Europeans had ever encroached on their lands – the Comanche people had a well defined society and gender norms.  Kee is very close to her younger brother, Taabe, who is being groomed as a leader.  As capable as any young man in the tribe, Kee has always been a teacher and source of inspiration for Taabe.  In the Comanche way – she is Patsi – the elder sister that has helped to shape him.  Kee is a truth teller and has insight that others do not.  A tomboy, she wants to prove herself in the masculine world of the Comanche.  When danger threatens them all – Kee sets out to prove that she is as capable as any young warrior.

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MemberAlien DroneApr-13-2021 2:15 PM

Sounds like a woke Pocahontas to me and less like a Predator movie


AdminJungle HunterApr-13-2021 4:59 PM

Yeah, that's my only concern so far after reading that plot synopsis as well, but I'm remaining optimistic. I thoroughly enjoyed 10 Cloverfield Lane, which Dan Trachtenberg also directed so I'm excited to see what he brings to Predator. Given the time period we won't see any modern Human weapons, no guns, which will be a unique new take on how Humans combat the Yautja. This also begs the question will the Predator tech be dated as well? We can and should assume it will be.

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