Aliens vs. Predator

Original Alien Cast to Reunite for Alien: Isolation DLC
Scified2014-07-10 07:52:59
Written by Infinite Earths2,627 Reads1 Comments2014-07-10 07:52:59


Yep, you read that right, Infinite Earths fans! The cast of the Ridley Scott 1979 classic Alien have been reunited for some upcoming Alien: Isolation pre-order DLC!

All who pre-order the upcoming game will get a free upgrade to the ‘Nostromo Edition.’ This will include the first of the two DLC missions, “Crew Expendable”. Taking place moments after the death of Brett, players will than assume control of either Ripley, Dallas or Parker, as the crew of the Nostromo attempt to flush the alien from the air vents and into the ship's airlock. Depending on the character you select, you'll have a different perspective on events and will begin with different resources.

The second pre-order mission - "Last Survivor" - will be available through select retailers and will see players taking control of Ripley in an attempt to activate the Nostromo's self-destruct sequence and reach the Narcissus shuttle in order to escape.


Sigourney Weaver will return to provide the voice for Ripley in the pre-order DLC "Last Survivor", and be joined by fellow cast mates Harry Dean-Stanton (Brett) Tom Skerritt (Dallas), Yaphet Kotto (Parker), and Veronica Cartwright (Lambert). Although Ash will also feature in the DLC, actor Ian Holm unfortunately won't be returning.
Check out more information regarding the DLC in this new video from IGN...


Also, check out the exclusvie IGN trailer...


As if we weren't already excited for this game, now we have the original cast reuniting for some exclusive DLC? Can this get any better? It's a shame Ian Holm won't be back, but we digress. Our excitement level just keeps building over this title, which will be released late this year!

Source: IGN

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MemberAlien EggJul-14-2014 9:39 PM

I am really excited about this game, and now I can't even explain how thrilled I am that you can relive the horrifying events that took place. Definitely preordering for sure. Damn, this is amazing. :D

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