Aliens vs. Predator

Life-size prop replicas of the Alien Warrior and Newborn are now available for pre-order!
Scified2016-05-27 10:56:13
Written by Chris6,866 Reads5 Comments2016-05-27 10:56:13

Life-size prop replicas of the Alien Warrior from James Cameron's Aliens as well as the Newborn Alien from Alien: Resurrection are now available for pre-order on the official Sideshow Collectibles website! Fashioned using original molds from when both films were in production, Cool Props, in association with Sideshow have brought these iconic Xenomorphs back to life! The Alien Warrior comes in two paint jobs - original and blue. All three figures cost roughly $2,000.00 US, but payment plans are available.

Alien Warrior Life-Size Head Prop Replica

CoolProps has produced this piece based on the original mold, which is without lips, and which captures the distinctive features of the Alien Warrior, such as its musculature around the jaw and the bony ridges running along the Xenomorph's dome, and features an array of piping.

Alien Warrior Blue Edition Life-Size Head Prop Replica

Faithfully reproduced and painted based on the scene when Ripley, who has just returned to LV-426, again encounters the Alien Warriors, the blue and white lighting in the dark was translated through using a deep blue paint.

Alien Newborn Life-Size Head Prop Replica

CoolProps has crafted the Newborn Head in 1:1 scale, with its curious appearance based on the original mold. Artists were able to reproduce the violent yet adorable appearance by replicating the original paintwork.

Will you be getting any of the above replicas? Let us know in the comments section and keep it locked to Scified for more Alien merchandise updates!

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MemberAlien DroneMay-27-2016 12:15 PM

They both look amazing! But no, not for me, I prefer the carapace of the original ALIEN MORB!

That Newborn head looks miles better than it did in Ressurection though! I loathed the look they went with, the body in particular was awful!


Necronom 4

MemberBloodedMay-27-2016 1:30 PM

Incredible sculpts no doubt about it. But ^^ 


AdminJungle HunterMay-27-2016 2:54 PM

Agreed Lone, I was never a fan of the Newborn's design either. But Cameron's take was pretty sweet. It's nice Sideshow offer payment plans for their collectibles. If the Canadian dollar wasn't so terrible I'd be all over it.


MemberAlien DroneMay-27-2016 3:11 PM

I keep entering their competitions. Never won The Space Jockey! :(

I want Yoda!!

Chewie, Han and R2 are pretty sweet too!


AdminJungle HunterMay-27-2016 3:26 PM

I do the same hahaha never hurts to enter! Who knows maybe you'll get lucky one of these times.

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