NetherRealm Studios hosted a preview event today on Twitch where gameplay footage of the game's Alien DLC character was previewed in full force! As with all MKX characters, the Alien has different variations to play as; Drone and Warrior (also known as Tarkatan) (and possivly a third, but I only managed to catch these two variations being played). The Drone utilizes acid-spitting and distance based attacks while the Warrior variant focuses on close-range slice-and-dice tactics. The event ended with the previewing staff matching Alien vs. Predator - as any fan would expect and the outcome resulted in the Predator being subject to the Alien's iconic "Killer Queen" Fatality. The moment was captured and uploaded to YouTube, which you can see below:
More videos are sure to surface in the coming weeks as we lead up to the release of Mortal Kombat's Kombat Pack 2 DLC, which comes with the Alien character. Check back to Scified for more Alien and Predator news!
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