Aliens vs. Predator

Fan Film Friday - Knight vs Predator in Predator: Dark Ages!
Scified2015-09-11 02:35:09
Written by Gavin2,783 Reads0 Comments2015-09-11 02:35:09

While the last two "true" instalments of the Alien franchise are met with some dis-satisfaction and disdain by most fans, the three movies that currently make up the Predator franchise are generally accepted by fans. Though Predator 2 is heavily influenced by the video nasty elements of the first two RoboCop movies, and many feel that despites its alternate approach Predators feels more like an homage to the original than a true sequel, there is no denying that both movies are enjoyable to watch and expand the mythology of the franchises titular characters.

It would also be fair to say that the Predator shrugged off the shame of appearing in the two ill-concieved AvP movies much better than its opposition, though hopefully director Neill Blomkamp can bring the Alien back to its rightful place as the galaxies scariest and most disturbing alien creature.

Fans of the Predator will know that creators Jim and John Thomas' screenplay for the 1987 original was improved by co-star (Private Hawkins) Shane Black, whom is rumored to be writing and directing a new Predator sequel. But what fans may or may not know is that the Thomas brothers had originally envisioned a prequel to their 1987 science fiction cult classic, inspired by the thought of how human warriors of yesteryear and their more primitive weaponry would have faired against the deadly alien hunters.

A team of fans, led by writer/director James Bushe, paid heed to the desires of the Thomas brothers and together with a group of friends, colleagues and a kickstarter campaign produced the astounding fan film Predator: Dark Ages, which sees one of the notorious alien hunters facing off against a group of templar knights during the period of the Crusades, enjoy...

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