Aliens vs. Predator

Alien vs. Predator writer responds to Sigourney Weaver's AvP comments
Scified2015-07-30 09:03:17
Written by Chris1,851 Reads0 Comments2015-07-30 09:03:17

Matriarch of the Alien film franchise, Sigourney Weaver was recently quoted, expressing her displeasure with the Alien vs. Predator movies - adding that back in the early 90's, she had wanted her character Ripley to die off in Alien 3 because she caught wind that studio 20th Century Fox were entertaining the idea of combining their two top alien film franchises into one epic battle - AvP. Weaver went as far as to say that the AvP movies depressed her and that they immediately killed any potential Ridley Scott had for continuing on with his own Alien 5 adaptation. Well, it seems there's a lot more to this than we initially thought and co-writer for the original Alien vs. Predator movie, Peter Briggs has spoken out about Weaver's remarks; clarifying what really happened to the AvP concept before the two iconic movie monsters finally did battle it out on the big screen in 2004.

AvP fans like myself likely became fans of the idea through Dark Horse Comics' initial series entitled Alien vs. Predator - the first itteration of the franchise and the starting point for Briggs' screenplay. The original story for Alien vs. Predator was very different to the one we saw in theaters over 10 years ago and followed the comic storyline more closely - something many of us wish Fox had done. Bloody-Disgusting caught up with Briggs and asked him about Weaver's comments, to which he provided a lengthy response. Here's an excerpt:

"I read in “Entertainment Weekly” this morning (and “Time”, and everywhere else it seems), Sigourney Weaver’s latest salvo at the London Film and Comic-Con yesterday, in her decades-long sniping (July 20th) about the non-Ripley “Alien vs Predator” film franchise I played a passing role in 25 years ago. And once again, I heaved a sigh that she just can’t stop scratching this itch.

To put her laments into context, my version of “Alien vs Predator”, a spec screenplay I wrote in the Summer of 1991, was the very first draft, the very first piece of actual work done on the project for the studio. It was also my first professional sale to 20th Century Fox through producers Lawrence Gordon and Lloyd Levin, with whom I’d go on to work on “Judge Dredd” (another tortuous “Development Hell” story) and as credited co-writer on the “Hellboy” movie in 2004. It’s fair to say that despite my draft remaining unfilmed, “Alien vs Predator” launched my career; high-profile enough to get me mentioned in a slew of magazines (“Starlog”, “Cinefantastique” and even Brit lads’ mag “FHM” among them!) and books like Chris Gore’s “The 50 Greatest Movies Never Made”, and Denny Martin Flynn’s “How Not To Write A Screenplay” (alongside my friend Shane Black’s “Lethal Weapon”.) A decade-and-change later in 2004, I discovered to my astonishment in going over the project’s materials at the Writers’ Guild arbitration for the Paul W.S. Anderson movie at the WGA headquarters on Fairfax, my work was also the only actual complete screenplay Fox had until Paul W.S. Anderson initiated his attempt over a decade later!"


"I love “Alien 3”. Well; I didn’t on its theatrical release, but I find the recent extended DVD recut even more watchable than “Aliens”. I’ll also be honest that I’m less-than-wild about the two “Alien vs Predator” movies (particularly “Requiem”, about which less said the better) But I do wish Sigourney Weaver would stop beating on “Alien vs Predator” as her pet piñata in “ruining” the “Alien” franchise, and acknowledge that two standalone “Alien” movies she was actively involved with unfortunately managed that first, all on their own.

I don’t even know if Sigourney Weaver has read the “Alien vs Predator” draft I wrote. She’s never said she has. But, I was a fan obsessive of the “Alien” franchise, Sigourney. Big time. Particularly Ridley’s original, which is still unmatched. And “Alien vs Predator” — as a concept — is still killer, full of potential. Even its critically maligned first cinematic outing made $172,544,654 worldwide, compared to $159,814,498 for “Alien 3” and $161,376,068 for “Resurrection”. Hardly a financial “fail” there, Sigourney.

There’s a terrific “Alien vs Predator” movie still to be made by someone. It just hasn’t happened yet."

Be sure to read Briggs' full statement over on Bloody-Disgusting as there's a lot more explanation and backstory provided. 

What do you think of Briggs' comments? Is he right? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section!

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