Aliens vs. Predator

Alien vs. Predator set to terrorize Halloween Horror Nights!
Scified2014-08-06 14:07:08
Written by Chris1,989 Reads4 Comments2014-08-06 14:07:08

20th Century Fox have teamed up with Universal Orlando Resort and Universal Studios Hollywood to bring the Xenomorph and Predator to life for the annual Halloween Horror Nights in light of the film's 10th anniversary! Guests will be able to venture through two maze-style attractions based on the Alien vs. Predator films. One of the mazes, which will be set up in Universal Orlando Resort's theme park, will be built to resemble a Weyland-Yutani research facility while the one in Hollywood will resemble a crashed Predator ship, like from the beginning of Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem. Whoever wins... We lose.

The introduction of AVP into the immensely popular Halloween Horror Nights is further proof of the indelible mark this incredibly powerful franchise has left on fans and the horror genre itself. Bringing AVP to life in a new maze is a perfect way to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the film as well as mark the 35th anniversary of Alien, the film that started it all, and etched in our collective psyche the meaning of modern terror,” said Greg Lombardo, vice president of global live and location based entertainment at Twentieth Century Fox Consumer Products. “We’re thrilled to be working with Universal Studios to create mazes in Orlando and Hollywood that will bring fans face-to-face with the horrifying and iconic characters of AVP. The technology being leveraged will surely be a new benchmark and provide a uniquely terrifying and visceral encounter that puts guests right in the middle of an epic extraterrestrial battle for survival.

When attempting to bring two of the most iconic creatures ever put on film to Halloween Horror Nights, you need to rely on everything you’ve learned up to this point,” said Michael Aiello, Director of Entertainment – Creative Development, Universal Orlando Resort. “We’re employing our full arsenal of tricks and techniques in translating the AVP: Alien vs. Predator brand into an authentic and horrific maze experience. Puppetry, elaborate costumes and unique environments have all been created in close collaboration with Twentieth Century Fox. Our guests are going to be thrown head-first into this epic battle where only the strong will survive. This is truly going to be an out-of-this-world maze experience that the fans have been waiting for.

AVP: Alien vs. Predator is by far the most technically complicated and ambitious maze we’ve ever created for Halloween Horror Nights,” said John Murdy, Creative Director for Universal Studios Hollywood and Executive Producer of Halloween Horror Nights. “It’s a monumental undertaking to recreate these massive, iconic characters for a live event. Fortunately, we have the expert assistance of Academy Award-winning make-up artists Tom Woodruff and Alec Gillis from Amalgamated Dynamic, Inc. (ADI), the special effects geniuses behind the original creatures for the AVP film franchise. Tom and Alec and the ADI team are excited about our maze and have graciously allowed us to cast from their original molds so that our maze will be absolutely authentic to the movies.

Halloween Horror Nights will begin September 19th, 2014! Visit the official website here. Let us know what you think, and if you'll be attending, by commenting below!

Thanks to for the news!

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Sci-Fi King25

MemberAlien DroneAug-06-2014 3:07 PM

This seems pretty cool. Terrifying, but cool.


MemberYoung BloodAug-06-2014 9:09 PM

AWWWWWWW Helllll yeah!!!


MemberFacehuggerAug-28-2014 11:30 PM

I will be sure to visit this maze when I go to Halloween Horror Nights this year!

kiryu sos

MemberAlien EggOct-08-2014 5:28 PM


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