Aliens vs. Predator

Alien Domicile: A cringeworthy knockoff of Alien, Predator and Prometheus
Scified2018-01-08 09:50:09
Written by Chris30,542 Reads5 Comments2018-01-08 09:50:09

Cringeworthy knockoffs in Hollywood are nothing new, but when a large studio such as Universal backs the home entertainment release of a film which blatantly rips off of a property owned by a rival studio (20th Century Fox) we can't help but take notice. Introducing Alien Domicile, a low budget sci-fi thriller which draws most of its inspiration from the established Alien, Predator, Alien vs. Predator and Prometheus franchises. Released earlier last year, Alien Domicile involves military service members, government workers and lowly technicians who are all thrust into the center of Area 51's darkest mysteries - basically an Alien vs. Predator scenario like Paul Anderson's 2004 film, but instead of an ancient pyramid burried in Antarctica, the plot takes place in Area 51 (how original). Whoever wins, we lose.

Everything from the creature design, poster artwork and trailer seems to have been inspired heavily by the original Alien and Predator films. How movies like these avoid lawsuits is beyond me. Check out the poster and trailer below:

Have you seen Alien Domicile? Do you plan to now? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section!

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Dark Nebula

StaffBloodedJan-08-2018 10:18 AM


I like the DVD cover tho. Which probably has nothing to do with the actual film.


MemberYoung BloodJan-08-2018 10:42 AM

2 bad that it is not Alien Dominant!


MemberAlien EggJan-08-2018 1:49 PM


MemberAlien WarriorJan-08-2018 3:50 PM

Oh dear lol

Mind you i will have to see it just for fun.... see how bad it really can be ;)

Necronom 4

MemberBloodedMay-06-2018 4:41 AM

I've seen it and it's terrible. 

As far has copyrights go, I'm not sure if this would constitute a breech. Does anyone own the rights to biomechanical design? 

If so, does the holder of Giger's estate own the rights? 

The only other possible breach I can think of is the design of the ALIEN part of the title.

I find copyright laws very confusing.

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