Aliens vs. Predator

Fede Alvarez wants to team up with Dan Trachtenberg for a new Alien vs. Predator movie!
Scified2024-08-18 10:15:45
Written by Chris3,857 Reads4 Comments2024-08-18 10:15:45

Alien: Romulus director Fede Alvarez would be open to collaborating with Prey director to team up for a new Alien vs. Predator movie! While promoting his new Alien movie, Fede Alvarez told Deadline Hollywood that he would absolutely be open to rebooting Alien vs. Predator:

“Maybe it’s something I have to co-direct with my buddy Dan,” Alvarez said. That friend being Dan Tratchenberg who helmed the widely watched Predator 2022 prequel Prey for Hulu and is already working on another standalone pic in the franchise.

“Maybe we should do like Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez did with Dusk Till Dawn. I’ll direct a half, and he’ll direct another half.”

The likelihood of these two directors collaborating on a joint-effort AvP reboot could actually be something Disney / 20th Century Studios would be open to, especially considering how well Prey was received and how well Alien: Romulus is doing.

Dan Trachtenberg is currently busy working on a Prey sequel, titled Badlands at the moment - another standalone Predator movie, not a direct sequel to Prey. Back in February of this year, Trachtenberg began meeting with talent, scouting for a lead role. Since then, little news have surfaced.

Prey, Alien: Romulus and next year's FX TV series Alien: Earth has reinvigorated interest in these two iconic sci-fi properties, so it's only natural to assume Disney won't waste an opportunity to capitalize on the hype (and box office revenue) a new Alien vs. Predator movie would bring.

Would you like to see a team up between Fede Alvarez and Dan Trachtenberg for a new Alien vs. Predator? If not, who else would you like to see helm a new AvP? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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MemberAlien DroneAug-18-2024 10:59 AM

As long as it doesn't reference AVP 2004, then I'll be all for it


AdminJungle HunterAug-18-2024 11:07 AM

Agreed. If they are to reboot it, it needs to be a legitimate fresh take and one that honors both franchises respectively. And also rated R. 


MemberAlien DroneAug-18-2024 1:27 PM

Yes! I hope its set in the future (2180s-2230s) this time around


MemberBloodedSep-04-2024 8:18 AM

They have done two AVP's and never gotten it right, I doubt that they'll do it right this time. Do something else, what ever that would be.

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